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Practical English education in 10 minutes a day.
Start learning more efficiently.
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HiNative Trek is no longer accepting new registrations as of July 31, 2024

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Increase your output and hone your English skills for the workplace

  • desire

    Expressing yourself in English...

  • Point

    starts with asking questions.

  • correct

    With feedback from your teacher...

  • use

    you can find the answers, and make them your own.

Your brain faces a moment of uncertainty when you try to say something in a foreign language. Studying by only using input will skip this very important step in the process of learning. This can lead to you not being able to find that word that’s on the tip of your tongue.

They key is to force your brain to face this uncertainty. This is why opportunities for practicing output, such as trying to convey something in a foreign language, are so important.

Learning with HiNative Trek

By increasing your opportunities to practice, you can learn English more efficiently.
  • no need reservation

    No Reservations. All on Your Smartphone.

    No need to make a reservation or go to a classroom. Get your daily English fix all on your smartphone.
  • practice everyday

    Problems Every Day

    Get practice in speaking and writing each and every day.
  • feedback from teacher

    Personalized Feedback from Your Teacher

    Each day, a teacher with professional experience from one of a variety of fields will correct your writing and pronunciation.


Features of our Teaching Materials

Coursework written by native speakers of English with professional experience in business and teaching.
The content of each problem is designed to teach you the basic phrases and grammar you need to get by in an English business environment. The writers worked to create modern-sounding problems that deal with actual situations they've experienced during their careers.

The writers include a serial entrepreneur, a project manager who's worked on multiple million dollar projects, and other professionals with long and varied careers in at American companies. Eriko Sekiya, a prolific translator and interpreter also took part in the creative process for the coursework.
Eriko Sekiya
アル・ゴア元米副大統領、フェイスブックCEOマークザッカーバーグ氏などの同時通訳を務める関谷英里子さんもHiNative Trekの教材作成に関わっています。
  • Short Essay + Q&A
    Translate the following question into English and then answer it.
  • Conversation
    Roleplaying and Conversation.
    Do you have any questions about what you saw on the tour?
  • Short Essay + Q&A
    Translate the following question into English and then answer it.
  • Conversation
    Roleplaying and Conversation.
    Blue Hardhat, how may I direct your call?
  • Long Essay
    Translate the following sentence into English.
    Green Gasketにおいては、きちんとした書類を作ることはとても重要です。特にユーザーマニュアルは、非常に細かく作りこみながらも、同時に消費者にとって理解しやすいようにしなければなりません。
  • Special
    (次の文章の主なポイントを日本語でまとめましょう。)Mark Thomas wishes to reward the Product X team for a job well done. When that project was launched he put a staffing management plan in place. The plan gives consideration for a reward, and he should be able to give each member of the team a small bonus.
  • Short Essay + Q&A
    Translate the following question into English and then answer it.
    こんにちは、Forge IndustriesのKen Phillipsです。(当社が御社にした)注文がちゃんと発送されたかの確認したいのですが、今手元にペンはありますか?
  • Special
    (次のクライアントの注文内容を日本語でまとめましょう。) I’d like to place an order for desktop computers, 15 of the SuperStack Professionals and 5 of the SuperStack Ultras. In addition, I would like to add 20 of your 27-inch LED displays as well.

Learning flow

Get in the flow of daily English practice with a single app.
  • 1
    Email and push notifications inform you when new problems arrive each morning.
    daily flow notify
  • 2
    Post both written and voice answers for each problem.
    daily flow answer
  • 3
    Immediately after posting, a sample answer written and recorded by a native speaker will appear.
    daily flow sample
  • 4
    And before you know it, you'll receive personalized feedback from your teacher.
    daily flow feedback
  • 5
    Don't hesitate to ask your teacher questions about the problems or their feedback.
    daily flow questions

Service Features

Even the busiest people have time to master English with Trek
  • icon No annoying reservations
    Turn in answers whenever you want.
  • icon No missed opportunities
    Even if you miss a problem, you can always turn in them at a later time.
  • icon Turn in answers from work
    Use Trek on both your smartphone and in your PC's browser.
  • icon Converse with your teacher asynchronously
    People embarresed by real-time conversation need not worry.
  • icon No wasted money
    You can always go back and complete old problems, and will never lose their value.
  • icon Quick, efficient studying via a smartphone
    Inrease your output, review, and learn, all on your smartphone.


Get started on the day you sign up

No lost value, even if you sign up during the middle of the month

Yearly plan 2 months free!
per month $163.33 per month
$1,960.00 / year
Monthly plan
$196.00 / month

How is Trek different from other English learning services?

HiNative Trek English Conversation Schools
Pluses Trek helps you increase your output through daily problems designed to teach you important English phrases. It's available on your smartphone without reservations, anytime, anywhere, and all Trek teachers are native speakers of American English. Teachers are usually native speakers of English. Programs are designed to help students stay motivated and provide high-quality content.
Minuses No real-time conversation. Going to a classroom is inconvenient, they're expensive, and the amount of time actually spent studying each week can be short.
Don't need one!
Need one
With the HiNative iOS app, you can use it anytime, anywhere. Study on the train and on your lunch break.
Typically involves going to a classroom.
Access old problems and listen to audio answers as many times as you like.
Look through old papers and homework
Practical English used by business professionals
Various courses to choose from
Teachers Native speakers of American English. Japanese teachers and native speakers of American English.

Other useful features

  • output

    Dedicated App

    An easy-to-use app that is always improving.
  • notification


    Problems arrive via push
    and email notifications.
  • calendar

    Turn in When Ready

    No reservations necessary.
    Turn your problems in when you're ready.
  • ask

    Follow-up Questions

    Follow up with your teacher when you have questions or need clarification.
  • audio

    Voice Uploads

    Upload voice answers separately and perfect your pronunciation.
  • platform

    PC & Smartphones

    Use it on both PC and/or the dedicated HiNative app.


What is HiNative Trek?

How are HiNative and HiNative Trek different?

What makes Trek different from other English learning services?